1899 Hoffenheim - 1.FC Cologne Betting Tip, Prediction & Odds
Most important stats, the highest betting odds and an accurate prediction for the match 1899 Hoffenheim vs 1.FC Cologne. The teams' current form, head-to-head comparison and real expert tips - free for our readers. We have background information, a head-to-head comparison, a straight forecast and a promising betting tip with the best odds for the Bundesliga match 1899 Hoffenheim vs 1.FC Cologne.
Performance of the last 10 matches
1899 Hoffenheim | 1.FC Cologne | |
Goals | 1.50.6 | |
Corners | 3.74.7 | |
Fouls | 11.111.2 | |
Saves | 4.13.7 |
1899 Hoffenheim and 1.FC Cologne meet on , with both teams searching for an important three points. The match takes place at the Rhein-Neckar-Arena, with 1899 Hoffenheim home form so far meaning that they go into the match as the favorites for victory.
Pre-match tips and prices at a glance
Pre-match statistics and analysis
- Both Teams To Score Yes/NoYes 59%No 41%
- Total Goals Over/Under 2.5Over 58%Under 42%
- Total Goals Over/Under 3.5Over 35%Under 65%
Odds comparison for the duel between 1899 Hoffenheim and 1.FC Cologne
Odds Comparison
Team statistics: the last results in comparison
Last Meetings
- 1.FC Cologne - 1899 Hoffenheim1-309/16/2023
- 1899 Hoffenheim - 1.FC Cologne1-304/22/2023
- 1.FC Cologne - 1899 Hoffenheim1-110/30/2022
- 1.FC Cologne - 1899 Hoffenheim0-103/06/2022
1899 Hoffenheim Form
- VfL Wolfsburg has played against 1899 Hoffenheim in their last match 2 - 2.
- In the last 6 months, the team has played 20 games. 7 of those matches ended with a win. The won 1 of 4 home matches.
- The team has scored a total of number of 37 goals in the last 20 month. This is an average of 1.85 goals per match.
1.FC Cologne Form
- 1.FC Cologne played Eintracht Frankfurt in their last match 2 - 0.
- In the past 6 months 1.FC Cologne achieved 3 wins, 4 draws and 4 losses in the record.
- On average, 1.FC Cologne's goal rate in the last month is exactly 0.7 goals per game. So in total, fans got to cheer 14 times about a goal.
1899 Hoffenheim vs 1.FC Cologne: Tip from our football experts
For the upcoming match between 1899 Hoffenheim and 1.FC Cologne, our expert tip is to bet on an Total Goals Over/Under 2.5, with Parimatch offering odds of 19/13 on this outcome. Based on our analysis and pre-match statistics, this market comes with a probability of 42%.